Identifying Bacteria Questions

The Good

1. Compare and Contrast the environments where the good bacteria live.


Look at the pictures of the good bacteria on the right hand column.

2. Discuss the shape of the bacteria


3. Investigate the picture of Psedomonas pudita and notice the string-like structure coming off the cell on the right side. What do you think this structure is used for?


The Bad

1. How are bad bacteria transmitted to humans? Give examples.


2. Compare and contrast Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever for the following....

a. how is it transmitted?


b. symptoms


c. treatment


d. analyze the pictures of the rashes in the right column


3. Malaria is transmitted by infected mosquitoes. What are some preventative measures that people can take to minimize mosquito bites?


4. Notice the x-ray picture of tuberculosis. What body system is being investigated by using the x-ray?


5. Often people are tested for TB even though they don't have any symptoms. Why might it be imporant to have people tested?



Sampling Bacteria

1. What is the purpose of swabbing the 4th section of the growth medium with a dry cotton swab?


2. We didn't touch the swab to the 4th section, so there shouldn't be any bacteria growing there. What if we check the dishes and find bacteria growth in the 4th section! Discuss some ways the bacteria could have arrived there.




Controlling Bacteria Growth

Analyze the following situations and determine if a disinfectant, antiseptic, or antibiotic is needed. In cerain situations more than one treatment may be appropriate.

1. Kitchen counter

2. Strep throat

3. Skinned knee

4. Bath Tub

5. Infected Cut

6. Toilet

7. Ear Infection


Uses of Bacteria

1. Choose one of the following options

A. Write a story that follows a day in the life of a person (your character) who encounters all the different kind of bacteria listed on the uses of bacteria page. Be creative! The person can encounter the bacteria as they travel to different places, visit their friends, or go to work.

B. Create a comic superhero for a bacteria listed in the "Uses of Bacteria". Draw the superhero and 6-8 scenes that show the Hero/Heroine in action! (must contain required science concepts)


Bacteria Homepage Preventing Bacteria Growth
Sampling Bacteria Controlling Bacteria Growth
Identifying Bacteria Uses of Bacteria
Bacteria Questionnaire Keywords