The Optical Spectroscopy and Imaging Methods lab is supervised by Dr.
Vishwanath and resides within the Department of Physics at Miami. Our work explores the development and
of optical methods for studying
biological materials. The appeal for using light as a sensing tool in such systems is compelling since
can be used to characterize these systems in their native states, non-destructively and repeatedly. Our
goals are to develop methods
and metrics to quantitatively and painlessly measure physiological, structural and/or metabolic
of living biological tissues. We have used (and continue to use) optical techniques for biomedical
applications including detection
of (pre)cancers, development of early indicators of therapeutic progress during anti-cancer treatments,
imaging of blood flow to detect peripheral artery disease or hemorrhage, and most recently for measuring
brain activity during cognitive
Though the foundations of most techniques we develop rest on principles of optical physics, much of
research focus is highly inter-disciplinary. Our work seeks to bring the power of optical sensing to
biomedical problems. Our primary
goal is to quantitatively observe, model and understand how complex biological systems function using
rigorous mathematical and computational approaches.
Prospective students
The OSIM lab has several active (interdisciplinary) projects and is always interested in engaging
students in research. Interested students should send an email to Dr.
Karthik Vishwanath stating interests and a resume/CV (please include relevant course work, GPA,
experience, skills and personal objectives).
Undergraduate students: If you find our research interesting please get in touch
email to discuss prospects for joining ongoing research projects. The OSIM lab has had undergraduate
students who have ranged from freshmen
through seniors. We are particularly looking for students with strong computational and/or analytical
backgrounds. It is also strongly encouraged that undergraduate students sign up for independent research
1-2 credits (i.e.for 3-6 hrs
of work week).
Masters students: If you are an MS student admitted to the Physics or
program at Miami and interested in joining the OSIM lab, please write an email to Dr. Vishwanath with
interests. The Physics Department supports
all MS students as TAs for 2 years and there may be GA support available as well. Prospective students
please look over the Physics
Page for information about applying. Doctoral students with interests in translational applications are asked
apply through the CMSB program at Miami.
you are considering applying
to the CMSB program, please contact Dr. Karthik Vishwanath as
as possible to discuss prospects as prepare your application. CMSB students already at Miami
research labs, please contact
Dr. Vishwanath directly.