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Overview of Structural Genomics figure 12-1A: 12-B : Focus on BRCA1[breast cancer gene]

Sequence Hierarchy figure 12-2

The human alpha and beta hemoglobin gene families contain functional and pseudogenes. What is a pseudogene?

Tandem Repeats of Histone Genes in Sea Urchin and Fruit Fly.

Chromosome Ends or Telemeres

VNTR - Variable Number of Tandem Repeats - figure 12-10

  • Method of Obtaining DNA fingerprint using a VNTR figure 12-11

Retrotransposons propagate themselves by reverse transcriptase in corn these elements may constitute as much as 50% of the total DNA

Lines and Sines Long and Short Interspersed Elements are often equated with selfish DNA - figure 12-13 also figure 12-14

Mini- and Micro-satellite markers - insert

Additional Markers Rapids

Building chips

Chip Technology

Yeast Mapping -1

Yeast Mapping -2




This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342 or Genetics 342

Text: Genetics: A conceptural ApproachBenjamin A Pierce

This is our friend Oliver the parrotlet, a true parrot, the smallest in the world.


by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University