
  1.      Much can be learned about a plant's anatomy very rapidly via free hand sections and basic histological stains.  Practice these procedures until you can quickly prepare slides of free hand sections of round and flat plant material.  Development of these skills now will make future exercises more exciting and meaningful since you will be able to make your own discoveries from fresh plant material rather than depending on prepared slides.
  2.      Characterization of plant tissue types depend on attributes of cell walls, cytoplasm, and cell geometry.  This portion of the exercise will familiarize you with the various cytoplasmic components of plant cells that are resolvable with the light microscope.  Learn to recognize these components quickly for future success in cell and tissue characterization.


     The proper way to section free hand is to grasp the plant material such that the part to be sectioned is just above your thumb and forefinger of one hand.  Holding a single edge razor blade with the thumb and forefinger of the opposite hand rapidly draw the blade through the plant material in a smooth continuous sliding motion.  Don't saw through the material and watch out for your fingers (we're only interested in plant not human tissue!).  The sections will accumulate on the flat part of the razor blade.  After cutting a few sections, dip the razor blade into water standing in a watch glass and the sections will float off the blade.  Select several of your best sections to process via the appropriate histological procedure.

    There are three basic planes in which round organs can be sectioned that are useful in reconstructing their three dimensional anatomy.  One of these, the transverse or cross section, is made at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the organ.  The other two are longitudinal sections and are made parallel to the longitudinal axis of the organ.  Radial longitudinal sections are prepared parallel to a radii of the organ, whereas tangential longitudinal sections are made at an angle to a radii of the organ.  An exact radial longitudinal section is referred to as a median longitudinal section and is quite instructive in studies of meristems, but extremely difficult to make via free hand sectioning.

     For flat plant material, such as leaves and floral organs, the best results can be obtained by sandwiching the plant part between two pieces of styrofoam (or pith or potato) which can be securely grasped.  Section the sandwich as you would a more massive piece of plant, then pick out the sections of interest from the water bath after floating the pieces of the sandwich.

    There are also three basic planes in which flat plant material can be sectioned.  The transverse or cross section is made orthogonal to the longitudinal axis.  The sagittal or longitudinal section is made parallel to the longitudinal section and at right angles to the epidermal layers.  The paradermal section is made parallel to the epidermis of the organ and is rather difficult to achieve via free hand methods.

     Histological stains can either be general, in which case, the generally translucent features of plant cells are dyed some color that makes these features easier to resolve; or specific, in which case, a specific dye that reacts with a particular class of molecules (such as chromatin) is used to help resolve the location of these molecules in the plant material.  Often stains can be used in combinations that help localize several classes of molecules in one section.

     Since various plant material will react at various rates with different dyes you must experiment with each type of tissue to achieve the desired results.  The experimental variable in most cases is the time you allow the material to react with the different dyes.  Use several sections for each histological procedure.  Remove one or two sections from the staining dish after regular periods of time have elapsed.  Note in linked dye pages which times give you the best results for specific material.  This will speed up your future observations on similar material in future exercises.
Fast Green Cytoplasm
Toluidine Blue Nuclear Material
Basic Fuchsin Nuclear Material
Erythosin B General Purpose 

Mount your material in a 50% Aqueous solution of Glycerine.  You can seal the edges of the coverslip with clear fingernail polish and store your slides in a refrigerator for several weeks without degradation of the stain quality for most dyes.


I.  Observations on Elodea Leaf Cells

     Elodea, favorite material for observation of many general features of cellular structure, is well suited for review and for emphasizing certain observational techniques and practices.   Mount younger leaves of the terminal cluster in water, adaxial side up.  Stain similarly age leaves with the available general histological stains.  Record your observations on unstained and stained leaves in your exercise sheet.  Learn how to calibrate and make linear measurements in Image J, so that you can compare two methods of measuring dimensions of of Elodea in your  exercise sheet

II.  Watch this snippet of plant (Algae) cell division or this one, or both!  Then complete exercise II in your exercise sheet.

III  Plastids

    A.  Chloroplasts.  Prepare thin razor blade sections of stems of Pelargonium (2.03).  Direct attention to cells of outer cortex which
        should show starch grains in the chloroplasts.  Pigment may be  restricted to a localized region at the periphery.  Slide should be
        searched to reveal the localized pigment in an equatorial view.   Add a few drops of IKI at edge of cover glass and observe effect.

    B.  Chromoplasts.  Observe pigment-bearing structures in materials  provided -- red pepper, tomato, flower petals, etc. Also make
        thin razor blade sections of deep phloem (after peeling) from  carrot root.

    C.  Leucoplasts.  Observable in cells of potato tuber immediately  under brown periderm, and in lower epidermis of Zebrina leaf.
        Leucoplasts in which starch is deposited may be observed in  potato, and endosperm of cereal grains (split and scrape a
        small amount of tissue on a slide).  Apply IKI.

    Provide an example of each of these plastids in your exercise sheet.

IV.  Crystals.

    Examine  free-hand preparations for crystals of different kinds using bright field and polarized light  microscopes.

    A.  Prismatic - Ficus leaf (2.05).
    B.  Raphides - Yucca leaf (2.08).
    C.  Druses - Ginkgo stem (2.07).
    D.  Styloids - mesophyll of Iris leaf (2.08).
    E.  Cystolith - epidermis of Ficus leaf (2.05).

    Provide at least one example of one of these crystals in your exercise sheet.

V.   Compare the structures visible with light microscopy with  those visible in this transmission electron micrograph of a plant cell.
      Then complete exercise V in your exercise sheet.
