A Little About Myself...

Get out and enjoy the great outdoors, but take only pictures and leave only footprints!

Why I chose to teach:  Science is a fascinating and dynamic field, but it is even more exciting when you can educate young people about its complexities and the applications to real life.  I really enjoy the interactions with my students--they often teach me as much as I teach them!

Education:  I am originally from Kettering, Ohio, and graduated from Fairmont High School in 1992.  I graduated from Miami University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, Biological and General Sciences.  I recently completed a Master of Arts in Teaching Biological Sciences degree from Miami University in the summer of 2001.

Hobbies:  I love to go camping and backpacking, ride horses (when I can), play with my two dogs Smokey and Chester, go running or do aerobics, go shopping, veg out in front of the TV, and spend time with family and friends.  Most of all, I enjoy spending time with my husband Steve and our new baby, ___________!

Favorites:  I love anything sweet (especially ice cream), Italian food, dogs, horses, being surrounded by nature, anything that makes me laugh out loud, almost any kind of music, and students who try their best!

Please feel free to email me at joy.parker@lakotaonline.com