*Important* ERRATA for Piegorsch-Bailer (1997) 1st ed. (updated 07-Jul-2005)

Index to computer programs

Fig. 2.1 SAS program to find c2 P-value.
Fig. 2.3 S-Plus function for generating bootstrap confidence intervals for a binomial p.
Fig. 4.1SAS Proc FREQ program for Fisher's Exact test of data in Table 4.2.
Fig. 4.3SAS Proc TTEST code for Freeman-Tukey transformed data from Table 4.3.
Fig. 4.5SAS Proc NPAR1WAY code for calculating the rank-sum statistic with data from Table 4.4.
Fig. 5.2SAS Proc GLM code for comparing temperature condition data from Table 5.1.
Fig. 5.4SAS program to find multivariate-t critical point.
Fig. 6.1SAS program to find t(3) P-value.
Fig. 6.2SAS Proc REG code to fit LS regression line and obtain a test of linear trend for data in Table 6.1.
Fig. 6.7SAS program to obtain Cochran-Armitage trend statistic, applied to data from Table 6.4.
Fig. 6.10SAS program to obtain Bailer-Portier time-at-risk adjusted trend test statistic, applied to data from Table 6.6.
Fig. 6.13S-Plus program to detect overdispersion in teratology data from Table 6.8.
Fig. 6.14S-Plus function for calculating the overdispersion GEE trend test statistic for data in Table 6.8.
Fig. 6.15S-Plus program to detect overdispersion in count data from Table 6.2.
Fig. 6.16S-Plus program to calculate the QL trend test statistic for data in Table 6.2.
Fig. 7.1SAS Proc REG program for quadratic regression fit and linear regression fit to data in Exercise 6.7.
Fig. 7.5SAS Proc NLIN program for threshold segmented regression fit to mercury toxicity data in Table 7.1.
BONUSS-Plus nls threshold segmented regression fit to mercury toxicity data in Table 7.1.
Fig. 7.7SAS Proc NLIN program for bilinear segmented regression fit to mercury toxicity data in Table 7.1.
Fig. 7.9SAS Proc NLIN program for power transformed regression fit to data in Table 7.2.
Fig. 7.11SAS Proc LOGISTIC program for logistic regression fit to data in Example 6.5.
Fig. 7.13SAS Proc GENMOD program for log-linear regression fit for data in Example 6.2.
Fig. 7.19SAS Proc PROBIT program for logistic regression fit to minnow mortality data.
Fig. 7.21S-Plus glm program for logistic regression fit to minnow mortality data.
Fig. 7.22S-Plus function for estimating an ED50 along with confidence limits based on Fieller's Theorem
Fig. 7.24SAS Proc GENMOD program for logistic regression fit to the two-group minnow mortality data.
Fig. 8.1SAS Proc GENMOD program for quadratic regression fit to data in Exercise 6.7.
Fig. 8.3SAS Proc GENMOD program for gamma GLiM fit to data in Table 8.2.
Fig. 8.5SAS Proc GENMOD program for logistic fit to data in Table 8.3.
Fig. 8.8Output (edited) from S-Plus glm logistic fit to data in Table 8.3.
Fig. 8.10Output (edited) from S-Plus glm logistic GLiM fit to data in Table 8.4.
Fig. 8.12SAS Proc GENMOD program for two-factor log-linear GLiM with interaction.
Fig. 9.1SAS Proc FREQ program for testing dose X sex independence in A. tenuiremis.
Fig. 9.3Output (edited) from S-Plus crosstabs function for testing dose X sex independence in A. tenuiremis
Fig. 9.4User-defined S-Plus power divergence function and associated output (edited) applied to testing dose X sex independence in A. tenuiremis.
Fig. 9.5Output (edited) from S-Plus crosstabs program for testing the homogeneity of p53 mutant spectra in Table 9.5.
Fig. 9.6S-Plus Zd statistic function.
Fig. 9.7Output (edited) from S-Plus Zd function for testing the homogeneity of p53 mutant spectra in Table 9.5
Fig. 9.10SAS Proc GENMOD complementary log program for evaluating simple independent action between sodium azide and chromium-VI in Table 9.8.
Fig. 10.1S-Plus Wc statistic function.
Fig. 10.2Output (edited) from S-Plus Wc.stat function for testing carcinogenicity of benzene
Fig. 11.1S-Plus survfit code and output for product-limit estimates with data in Table 11.1.
Fig. 11.2SAS LIFETEST program to generate product-limit estimates for data in Table 11.1.
Fig. 11.6S-Plus code to calculate the (negative) log- likelihood under a Weibull parent distribution and perform ML estimation with acute toxicity data in Table 11.1.
Fig. 11.8SAS Proc LIFETEST and Proc LIFEREG code for calculating event time quantiles for acute toxicity data in Table 11.1.
Fig. 11.9SAS Proc LIFETEST code for nonparametric tests of the equality of survivor functions for spider departure data.
Fig. 11.11SAS Proc LIFEREG code for fitting an AFT Weibull model to acute toxicity data in Table 11.1
BONUS S-Plus program for fitting an AFT Weibull model to acute toxicity data in Table 11.1.
Fig. 11.12SAS Proc LIFEREG code for fitting an AFT model to data in Example 11.3.
Fig. 11.13SAS Proc PHREG code for fitting a Cox regression model to spider departure data.
BONUSS-Plus coxph fit of the Cox model to the spider departure time data.

NOTE: The authors, the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Miami University, the Department of Statistics at the University of South Carolina provide this material as a free service. No guarantee, implicit or expressed, is provided for its use, nor is any responsibility accepted for consequences thereof. Unauthorized use is prohibited.