Population Genetics

Neo Darwinian Evolution

R. A. Fisher - F test and statistics -

Sewell Wright - Population dynamics

J. B. S. Haldane - Evolution details

Probability of an event is

P(event) = The # of ways the event can occur/

(The # of ways the event can occur + The # of ways the event cannot occur)

Genetic Frequencies in Populations for two Alleles

f(BB) = the # of BB individuals / total (# of BB +Bb + bb)

f(Bb) = the # of Bb individuals / total (# of BB +Bb + bb)

f(bb) = the # of bb individuals / total (# of BB +Bb + bb)

Genotypic Frequencies for two Alleles

f(B) = total # of B genes / total (# of B + b alleles)

= [2 x f(BB) + f(Bb)] / 2 x total # of individuals

= p

f(b) = total # of b genes / total (# of B + b alleles)

= 1 - f(B)

= q

The take home equation is

p + q = 1

Hardy-Weinberg Law

Text iGenetics by Peter J. Russell

This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342

by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University