// This macro smooths an image by convolving it with a custom Gaussian // matrix. The size of the matrix and the standard deviation of the // Gaussian sre specified by entering values into dialog boxes. // After running the macro, view the convolution matrix using // Process>Filters>Convolve. // // Author: Gilles Carpentier, Faculte des Sciences et // Technologies, Universite Paris 12 Val de Marne // // A sample image is available at // "http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/images/sample-denoise.tif". // Try a matrix size of 23 and SD of 0.8. // // Immunostaining of myoblasts from rat satellite cell // primary culture courtesy of Dr Angelica Keller (*). // Double channel confocal image acquisition with a // Zeiss LSM 510/Axiovert 200 microscope by Gilles Carpentier. // (*) Faculte des Sciences et Technologies, laboratoire CRRET, // CNRS, FRE-2412, Universite Paris 12-Val de Marne, // 61 Avenue du General de Gaulle, 94010 Creteil cedex, France. macro "Gaussian Convolution" { requires("1.33o"); if (nImages == 0) exit("No open image to be treated or no active image"); // taille= matrix size; gauss, sd of the gaussian function taille = getNumber("Matrix Size:", 5); gauss = getNumber("Standard Deviation:", 1.5); matrice = matrix(taille,gauss); //print(matrice); run("Convolve...", "text1=["+ matrice+"] normalize"); } // square function function carre (car) { car= (car * car); return car; } // Matrix build function, based on the method developed by // David Romeuf, Centre de Ressources Informatiques (CRI) // Universite Lyon, Administrations, Laboratoires & Pedagogie, // Campus Sud, Mediatheque - 8, avenue Rockefeller, // 69373 Lyon cedex 08 function matrix (taille,gauss) { matrice=""; for (j=0; j < taille; j++) { lignea=""; for (i=0; i < taille; i++) { numer = -(carre(i-floor(taille/2)) + carre(j-floor(taille/2))); denom = 2 * carre(gauss); coeff=exp(numer/denom); lignea = lignea + " " + coeff; } matrice = matrice + lignea + "\n"; } return matrice; }