Dendrology (Botany 205) Laboratory Exercises 
and Film/Video Study Guides 
Download these exercises IF
YOU LOST the original handouts OR
MISSED the class at which they were distributed! RDM 


  1. Downloadable 1998 Student Data Base.  If you want to use this data base download this file  (Right mouse click  and save link to c:\xidw directory on your notebook).  You can then open the Student DOS data base in XID.
  2. Angiosperm Trees Lab 1
  3. Angiosperm Trees Lab 2
  4. Angiosperm Trees Lab 3
  5. Angiosperm Trees Lab 4
  6. Angiosperm Trees Lab 5
  7. Angiosperm Trees Lab 6
  8. Gymnosperm Trees Lab 7
  9. Angiosperm Twig Growth
  10. Gymnosperm Twig Growth
  11. Gymnosperm Wood Characteristics
  12. Angiosperm Wood Characteristics


  1. Lumber Production
  2. The Paper Mill
  3. The Resources of the Forest
  4. The River (CLASSIC)
  5. Common Ground: Changing Values and the National Forest
  6. From Trees to Lumber (CLASSIC)
  7. From Trees to Paper (CLASSIC)

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