1. Follow the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would like to be treated. (That also applies to me as your teacher.)

2. Be prepared for class. Bring required materials (assignments, books, writing materials, etc.). You will only have two hall passes a semester to go to your locker. Additional passes can be assessed as a tardy.

3. Be in your assigned seat BEFORE the tardy bell rings, otherwise you will be counted tardy.

4. Don't touch ANYTHING unless given permission and instructions before doing so.

5. Respect the personal and property rights of others. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

6. Receive permission BEFORE speaking. Raise your hand, and wait to be called on, otherwise be quiet and listen.

7. No GUM, FOOD, of DRINKS in my classroom, unless other instructions have been given.

8. DO NOT disobey or talk back to the teacher. Be respectful at all times. Respect deserves respect.

9. The teacher will dismiss you, NOT the bell.

10. Keep the room clean. Throw waste in the trash can AT THE END OF CLASS!

11. You will participate.


13. Make up work will be accepted from students with excused absences, and if completed within a specific amount of time as determined by the teacher. If you are absent on the day of a test, it is your responsibility to inform the teacher of your excused absence. If you know you will be absent ahead of time, please be courteous and inform the teacher, so that your work can be given to you ahead of time. If you are absent on a review day, you are still required to take the test when you return. In other words, if you knew when the test was scheduled, and you miss the review and come back the day of the test, you MUST take the test as well.

14. Two restroom passes will be given per nine weeks, any additional passes there after will assessed a tardy. In case of an emergency, immediately take care of the situation and talk to me later.

15. Obey all other rules as outlined in your student handbook.

16. The teacher reserves the right to add or change the rules at any time as needs arise.


First offense = Warning

Second offense = demerit and parental contact

Third offense = 2 demerits = detention

Fourth offense = 3 demerits = ISS

An offense is breaking of any of the above rules and inappropriate behavior. Different rule infractions or behavior problems will result in the second to fourth offenses.

Expectations for classroom behavior

1. Complete and comprehend all reading assignments as discussed in chapter outline. You are responsible for all material in the reading whether it is discussed in class or not!

2. Complete all assignments on time for full credit. Assignments are accepted up to two days late for half credit.

3. Be in class and ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE in ALL class activities. Class participation will make up a proportion of your grade (10%-20%)

4. Follow ALL rules and expectations as determined by the teacher.

5. Bring ALL appropriate materials to class every day.

6. All written work is to be LEGIBLE, as determined by the teacher. PROPER USEAGE AND SPELLING OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS EXPECTED!

7. When you are in science class, I expect you to have your mind on science. I will not tolerate you doing your English or Math homework in my class, just as I would expect you to not do your Science in anyone else's class. I will warn you to pay attention only once, then demerits will follow. If you have time at the end of the period, then you are expected to find something to do. Science will be your first priority, but your other class work can be done at this time as well.

8. Help each other out, but do your own work. Cheating will not be tolerated at all. It will result in a zero for both the cheater and the person being cheated from.

9. Expect homework of some sort EVERY night.

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