Topics Covered in Mrs. Norwood's Biology I Class

Biology is the study of life. Life is defined by a group of parameters, such as being made up of cells, having the ability to reproduce, and being able to adapt to your environment. We will attempt to shed light on some of the questions regarding living things.

This course will approach a varity of topics using a variety of techniques. Expect to hear lectures, participate in disussions, take notes, write on various topics, be involved in laboratory activities, as well as a host of other things.

Remember, this course is intended to assist you in your understanding of biology and the nature of what makes things alive. Your FULL PARCIPITATION through reading, listening, researching, inquiring, and writing will assure that this course is worthwhile TO YOU.

Major Concepts Covered

Cell structure and function

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis

Human Genetics and diseases

Microbiology techniques

Viruses and Bacteria

Evolution Classificationof the five Kingdoms

Human Biology

Ecological Interactions


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