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Microbes, also called microorganisms, are minute living things that individually are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. The group includes bacteria, fungi (yeasts and molds), protozoa, and microscopic algae. It also includes viruses, those noncellular entities sometimes regarded as being at the border between life and nonlife. You will be introduced to all these to some extent in all the classes included in this website. The interaction between humans and microbes is constant and phenomenal. This relationship involves not only the familiar harmful effects of certain microorganisms, such as causing disease and spoiling food, but also their many beneficial effects.

In our studies at Edison High, we will introduce the student to some of the many ways microbes affect our lives. He will learn a history of microbiology, the incredible diversity of microbes, and their ecological importance as they help maintain balance in the environment by recycling chemical elements such as carbon and nitrogen between the soil and the atmosphere. 


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